FWG Forums and Future Plans

As most of you are now aware, we began having a technical issue with persons being unable to access the FWG forums. It is thought that this stemmed from the host’s firewall wrongly banning certain IP addresses. It was found that some could regain access by clearing their browser cache, however, some members still find themselves locked out even after attempting this.

As it stands, the old FWG forums are no longer functional and will have to be abandoned. While this is an inconvenience, the fact is that the forums were already on borrowed time. Come November, we were going to lose hosting for them and, owing to their outdated architecture, they cannot simply be moved elsewhere.

The FWG staff had been discussing this next phase, but these recent problems have forced us to advance the timetable. We would like you, the FWG membership, to share your thoughts on this transition. Do we attempt to recreate the forums from scratch? Although they had been declining in usage for years, they still had utility as a sort of database. Would something more stripped-down suffice for our purposes? Or should we forgo them altogether? Let us know.

3 thoughts on “FWG Forums and Future Plans

  1. I really like the idea of the forums but my writing and my volunteer work has filled up my spare time. BUT if the forums found a new home, I’d try to come back

  2. There are many free forums out there. It helps to have a backup place to keep stuff on record for referral later.

  3. I liked the forums not only as a place to find leads on potential markets but also as a way of finding out about fellow guild-members’ successes.

    I would welcome their continued existence even in a stripped-down form…

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