Where To Purchase

While you’ll find many furry publications on Amazon and other major retail sites, please consider buying from one of the fandom’s independent publishers/distributors to help support publishing within the furry community.

Anthropomorphic Dreams Publishing
A small-press publisher aimed at showcasing stories featuring anthropomorphic animal characters in a broad range of genres. Be sure to check out their furry fiction podcast!

Bad Dog Books
The ebook division of FurPlanet, offering furry fiction in various electronic formats.

Bewere Books
A division of Fenris Publishing, LLC. Publishing. Distributing books, comics, art, and games since 2017.

Black-Paw Productions
European distributor of furry publications, particularly Sofawolf Press products.

Book Badgers
UK distributors of furry publications.

Fenris Publishing
Fenris Publishing is a book, game, and comic publisher with a focus on the anthropomorphic (furry), fantasy, sci-fi, and supernatural genres. They are also partnered with Rabbit Valley to carry some their products.

A publishing company founded by and for the furry fandom, FurPlanet publishes and distributes furry-themed comic books, magazines, comics, art CDs, music CDs, art prints, portfolios, custom art card decks, and more.

A German-based mail-order furry/LGBTQ+ bookseller that attends and sells at conventions around Europe.

A book seller based in Asia, selling Furry art books and comic books.

Sofawolf Press
An independent publisher dedicated to storytelling that focuses on anthropomorphic animals of all sorts. They create and sell novels, anthologies and story collections, graphic novels, and other similar works.

Thurston Howl Publications
Furry-inclusive publisher based in Nashville, publishing both furry and non-furry works, accepting all ranges of authors.

Weasel Press
Independent publisher with a “Beat Generation mentality,” publishing fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and scripts/plays, including furry works.

Got a site to add to the list? Email us at furwritersguild@gmail.com.