Tarl “Voice” Hoch

Tarl Hoch

Tarl (aka: Voice) is a published author/editor both inside and outside of the furry fandom. He primarily writes horror and erotica, though he also dips his toes in fantasy and science fiction when the mood dictates. Recently he has been exploring gender and gender rolls within his fiction.

Beyond writing, he is the owner of Armoured Fox Press. (a small Canadian press that specializes in anthropomorphic and anime fiction) and one of the hosts of the writing podcast Fangs and Fonts (http://www.fangsandfonts.com/) and is a member of the Furry Writer’s Guild.

When it comes to reading, he tends to read a large variety of genres, though admits a love of Lovecraftian horror, epic fantasy, and Japanese light novels. (especially isekai fiction)

Twitter: @voicespider, @tarlwriter
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5759304.Tarl_Voice_Hoch