Jaden Drackus

JD Certified

Jaden Drackus, or Jay Dee is a dragnox from Maryland. He has been writing furry stories since 2010 and writing for publication since 2016. In his youth, he was inspired by science fiction and fantasy, he most often works in those genres as well as historical fiction when he writes. Jay Dee lives with his boyfriend and 3 cats. When he isn’t writing, he plays video and card games, builds plastic models, and reads. Outside of furry, he is a fan of auto racing and military aviation—an interest that complements his degree in military history.

With TJ Minde and Mog Moogle, he hosts the Up Fur Review podcast. He is an alumni of the Regional Anthropomorphic Writers Retreat. He is also at work on the Anthropomorphic Writers Outreach Organization, a project to assist furry writers looking to improve their skills and support those that share their knowledge on convention writing panels.

Jay Dee has been fortunate enough to be published multiple times—working with SofaWolf Press, FurPlanet, GOAL Publications, and Thurston Howl Publications among others. Highlights of his catalog include stories in Heat 15, Dogs of War: Aftermath, Boldly Going Forward, and FANG 8-11. His story in FANG 10, “Night’s Dawn,” was nominated for both the Leo Literary and Cóyotl Award for Best Short Story. At time of writing, he is at work on a novel based on his story “Pole Position” from Heat 15.

His work can be found at Fur Affinity and at SoFurry. His silly observations on life can be seen on his Twitter: @JadenDrakus.