Al Song

Al Song is a Laotian-American red kangaroo living near Seattle. When he’s not working or writing he’s trying to figure out how to get out of escape rooms with friends. He loves to play as flirty bards in tabletop RPGs as well as playing the flute and guitar. Now and then he also does calligraphy and goes rock climbing, although he finds doing both at the same time to be an incredibly challenging task.

The nerdy roo has double majored in German Studies and Comparative Literature from a certain university in Seattle, and has worked as a student librarian there. He loves to write LGBTQ+ fiction and focuses his literary works on love and romance. He has stories published in Fang 8, Roar 9, and Tales from the Guild – World Tour. He will also have a story published in The Furry Cookbook.

If you would like to read some of his stories, then visiting this site could possibly be a good idea: