K. Vale Nagle

K. Vale Nagle is alarmingly hard to kill.

After surviving several pulmonary embolisms and multiple organ failure, Vale kicked her writing into high gear and saw her first short story and novel publications. When she’s not writing creature fantasy or fighting for their life, she enjoys reading, archery, and exploring the Rocky Mountains with a tabby cat by her side.

Website: kvalenagle.com
Newsletter: kvalenagle.com/mailinglist
Patreon: patreon.com/kvalenagle
Twitter: twitter.com/kvalenagle
Mastodon: https://meow.social/@kvalenagle
Facebook: facebook.com/kvalenagle
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kvalenagle/
Cohost: https://cohost.org/kvalenagle
Pillowfort: https://www.pillowfort.social/kvalenagle
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/kvalenagle

Gryphon Insurrection
1. Eyrie
2. Ashen Weald
3. Starling
3.5 Blue Eyes and Other Tales
4. Reevesbane
5. The Ruins of Crestfall
6. The Crackling Sea
7. Opinicus

Tales of Feathers and Flames (anthology editor) – Story in the anthology: Coldbright (author)