EggsFennedict (ScrambledScript; Furodiversity)

EggsFennedict (Sunny) is a fantasy and sci-fi writer who specializes in the realm of furry fiction focused on neurodiversity, queer representation, and overcoming trauma and adversity in very far-from-reality constructs. As an activist in the LGBT & disabled community, Sunny’s signature tool of the trade blends her natural hypersensitivity with heavily immersive scenery, quick-paced dialogue, and of course, anthropomorphic animals of every spot and stripe. “They’re just naturally more expressive than your typical human characters,” Sunny comments. “Their heightened senses, predator/prey dynamics, and symbioses make for a narratively-rich construct with a lot of room for impactful metaphor.”

Sunny is the author of surrealist fiction piece Nerves (Wordgathering), which anthropomorphizes Sensory Processing Disorder with a zoo of neurological fauna. She also runs a small merchandise business known as “Furodiversity,” which makes colorful mascots for disabled members of the community to represent themselves. See her links below! (Novel